
Welcome to BvOtech website.

BvOtech‘s mission is helping people and their companies to be successful through training and consulting using the integration of the best of Chinese Classical Wisdom and Modern Western Management Thinking. A careful study of the progress of Western management thinking toward handling the ever changing uncertain world, multiple generations workforce, multiple races and religions, will show that it is moving towards the teaching of Classical Chinese Philosophies which are about creating harmony and abundance through the synergy of diversities.

BvOtech stands for Business value Oriented technology, especially information technology (IT). Business exists to create value for customers. Technologies exist to enable a business to create new value, to enhance the value to the customers and doing it in the most effective and productive way.

The keys to creating and sustaining high-performance corporations are:

  • A Unified Corporate Performance Management Framework to manage and grow the corporation
  • Innovation for a Differentiated Customer Value Proposition.
  • The design of Strategies to achieve the Vision and Mission of the Corporation using Sun Zi’s Art of War to beat the competitors and Gui Gu Zi’s Art of Alliances to pick and form long-term partnerships for mutual success.
  • Effective Execution of Strategies and efficient operations
  • Leadership and People development and motivation based on Chinese Classics like Lao Zi and Confucius thinkings and the modern western thinkers on leaderships.
  • Creation of a Learning & Innovative Corporation for continued innovation, learning and renewal for sustainable growth
  • Know the methods for systematic creativity BVITS for generating breakthrough ideas on demands.
  • Sustaining of continued innovation through a culture that is adaptable to change and constantly creating new business models to lead the market.

Through training, workshops and clients focused consulting, BvOtech empowers people and corporations to be successful through a proven Corporate Management Framework (CPM), creating innovations, executing with integrated multiple view measures and targets, leading and developing people in a culture of high touch and high trust for performance and renewals ensuring long-term success.

The greatest business value comes from innovation. Innovation is new ideas implemented to create business value for customers. Innovation is also a process to convert ideas into an invention that bring new value or save costs. Innovation is not just a product. Innovation is not restricted to technology only. In fact, research shows that greater profits come from innovation in business model and in creating a better customer experience. By thinking about one’s Business Model rather than just one’s product or service, a new business value can be created. Here, ICT (Information Communication Technology) is able to help much. ICT breaks the barriers of time and space and make possible connection and influence that we have yet to grasp the full potential of.

However, having innovation and a differentiated value offering are not good enough. A corporation needs to execute them well. Execution requires measurement and a mapping of cause and effect of the variables across different areas of the business. Scorecards of KPI’s (Key Performance Indicator) need not just be balanced (because they taken from different views) but be casually linked. Existing processes need to be developed and optimised with methods like 6-sigma, Lean-Methodology, TQM (Total Quality Control) when they fail to deliver the required targets. Inward looking “lean and mean” methods are not sufficient for long-term success. We need to be outside-aware and innovative to create the next wave of offerings (think business model and experience creation) for continued and sustainable success.

In short, long-term success needs us to flip-flop between two key concepts of making the strange familiar (optimisation in execution) and making the familiar strange ( an innovation of business value).

BvOtech also keeps abreast with the development of CPM framework, Innovative Thinking Methods, ICT technology, and handle them with Knowledge Management to ensure long-term success for our clients. Business Values comes first with technology supercharging us for success with speed and impact.

If you felt that you faced the following challenges, then we are likely to be able to help you:

  • Managers’ scorecards are OK but the corporate profits seem wanting.
  • In fighting among divisions. Each one doing his own things.
  • Life is boring here. It is the same thing day in and day out.
  • Right-hand does not know what left hand is doing
  • We lack creativity. How can we be creative and innovative?
  • The suggestion scheme does not work. Ideas are few and poor.
  • I am worried about the future… what can we do to prepare for the future
  • Agility is what is needed here.
  • I am overwhelmed by the information.

Bvotech Blog of useful posts is found here.

BvOtech is a business registered in Singapore with Reg No: 53011449J.    Contact Info:  admin@bvotech.com.